The following nominations have been made for Club office holders for the 2015/2016 year and will be voted on at the AGM:
Chairman: Bernard Hanratty has indicated his willingness to continue in this role and to go forward for re-election.
Treasurer: John Staunton has indicated his willingness to continue in this role and to go forward for re-election.
Secretary: Joanna Peart has been nominated for the position of Secretary.
Marketing: John Martin has been nominated for this role for the coming year. It is intended that John will be supported by three other volunteers who will assist with the monthly Newsletter, Facebook & Twitter and with the Administration of the website.
Training Co-Ordinator: Ronan Lambe has been nominated for this role for the coming year. He will be assisted by the Captains of the three discipline: Ger Vowles/Dave Vavasor – Joint Bike Captains, Keven Beades – Run Captain and Paul O’Donovan – Swim Captain.
Membership: Rachel Hayes has been nominated for this role for the coming year. It is intended that Rachel will work with three other volunteers as there is a need to look after new members, existing members, payment of Club subscriptions and enquiries.
Social & Gear: Judy van den Anker has been nominated for this role for the coming year.
New to Tri: Mags Wallnutt and John Lyons have agreed to take on this role for the coming year. It is intended that they will be supported by three or four other volunteers who will share responsibility for organising and co-ordinating regular blocks of New to Tri training during the course of the year. This is to facilitate the growing number of new members who join throughout the year and who would otherwise miss the commencement of the New to Tri programme.
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