Outlined below is the policy the Committee drafted last year with regard to Piranha members racing Dublin City Triathlon.
Key policy points
– A maximum of 10 members can race in any given year and where applicable, exemptions made for Cat 1 and Cat 2 athletes racing Super Sprint race only (due to limited races in the calendar for this type of event).
– In terms of determining eligibility for a successful application – the following criteria are to be applied:
> No member regardless of form of application will be allowed to race DCT for 2 consecutive years (Cat 1/Cat exemptions can be applied)
> Number of years in the club
> Number of years volunteered for DCT
> Active committee member
> Active club volunteer or lead
> In line to contribute to NS club Male/Female/Mixed team totals
> In line for individual NS AG or overall awards
> Committee discretion.
Should you wish to race DCT this year please send Club Secretary, Sinead Plunkett, an email (clubsecretary@piranhatri.com) stating why you are eligible with the above criteria in mind.
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