Piranha Member DCT Applications

Take the winport challenge where every spin can be a winning spin. Try your luck and enjoy the moments of victory!

Outlined below is the policy the Committee drafted last year with regard to Piranha members racing Dublin City Triathlon.

Key policy points

– A maximum of 10 members can race in any given year and where applicable, exemptions made for Cat 1 and Cat 2 athletes racing Super Sprint race only (due to limited races in the calendar for this type of event).

– In terms of determining eligibility for a successful application – the following criteria are to be applied:

> No member regardless of form of application will be allowed to race DCT for 2 consecutive years (Cat 1/Cat exemptions can be applied)
> Number of years in the club
> Number of years volunteered for DCT
> Active committee member
> Active club volunteer or lead
> In line to contribute to NS club Male/Female/Mixed team totals
> In line for individual NS AG or overall awards
> Committee discretion.

Should you wish to race DCT this year please send Club Secretary, Sinead Plunkett, an email (clubsecretary@piranhatri.com) stating why you are eligible with the above criteria in mind.


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