New to Tri: Week 6 – Grá

April 15, 2011 Leave your thoughts Posted under

Hey there,

Hope it’s a good week so far for you.

So week 6 is upon us and in good news, I think I’ve completely fallen in love with my bike. It’s still in the kitchen and I stare at it while eating all meals, which is proving difficult for conversation flow 🙂 Last Sunday I joined the beginners group leaving from WW for a 2 hour spin. This was to be my longest time and distance on the bike. But sure we have to jump sometime. Before getting started, and about 3 mins out Tadhg had to change two tubes 🙁 We all stood and didn’t even watch him to see what he was doing. Bad I know. So us girls defo need to do something about that.

The cycle was out to Howth and back in. Have no idea the exact route but think it was something like I’ve marked out in RunKeeper, should have turned on the iphone app doh. First hour was fine. The middle 30min I think I found the hardest, somehow managed to get stuck behind some cars which prevented me catching up to the guys. Once regrouped, and had tires pumped 🙁 the last 10km were great and I finished it off feeling fab.
Wednesday evening when I went out on my own I felt so comfortable on the bike and Sunday’s cycle really paid off, even cut 5 mins off my mid week 12km cycle 🙂

Had to nap of course after the cycle but managed to make the Sunday swim as well. So was happy out and knackered by Sunday. But all of this trying to fit in cycle’s mid-week has led to some household issues –  laundry and wardrobe space !!!!! As a newbie I only have a small amount of gear, so my cycling gear is getting washed a lot. On the qt as you can see from the pic I’ve plenty of room to store any new gear 🙂

This weekend sees another hen, so any training will have to be viewed as a bonus. Then a stop of in Limerick to check out the Duathlon.

Foot Update: X-Ray booked for Friday morning

Have a good one folks,


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