DCT Update

June 12, 2013 Leave your thoughts Posted under

Hi All

Plans for DCT2013 are moving along nicely and with only 74 days to race day it will not be long before its all over for another year. Currently entries are well up on last year and we will be capping the race at 1000 athletes. with 50 relay teams entered from Vodafone (approx 130 staff) the relay entry is full and was only open to Vodafone. This leaves us with approx 600 entries available for the Olympic and 250 for the Super sprint. To date we have just under 500 entered for the Olympic race leaving only 100 entries left. In the super sprint it is always a little slower with 100 entries in leaving 150. The event is likely to sell out in July. If you are speaking to anyone thinking of entering encourage them to enter ASAP or they might miss out.

As a reminder and for those who are new to the club, we ask that where possible as many members as possible are available for race day to steward. We also need a set up team on Saturday. Make sure you have the date in your diary !!

We will have a few changes to race day this year with the exciting addition of the fan zone on the kyber pass. The team of Joanne, Sheona and Petrina are currently working on this and are looking for one more person to help with this new project. So far its looking good and we hope this will be a stand out section to the race that no other race in Ireland has. We will also be serving different after race food. But the old favourite of the Ice cream cones will be back so lets hope we have the weather.

I am looking for a number of people to put their hand up a take on important roles for the race.

I am looking for an MC for the start Area. Paul Mc Donnell ( who is a DJ by night) has offered his services to look after the sounds and music so I am just looking for someone who will be able to make announcements, keep to a time table, get the swimmers into the right areas / water at the right time. Start the waves as well as keep the competitors entertained / informed and where possible commentate on the swimmers coming out of the water etc etc. If you feel you can do this drop me a email (johnwallnutt@gmail.com)

I am looking for someone who will over see catering for the Piranha team as well as all of the competitors. the caterer is lined up for the event so its a case of making sure everyone get fed on the day and keep the tea / coffee flowing. If you feel you can do this drop me a email (johnwallnutt@gmail.com).

I am also looking for someone to take control of the steward roster for the event. This will involve some pre race time. Many emails and spreadsheets, chasing the membership for replies and generally making sure each team has enough people for stewarding.
again If you feel you can do this drop me a email (johnwallnutt@gmail.com)

I am also, also looking for a team of 12 physios / message therapists for the finish line. So far I have 2 lined up. If you are willing to offer your services or know of anyone interested please let me know. Anyone who does attend will get a goodie bag and Knipp message oil to use on the day.

Finally for now it looks like we will have a very full goodie bag but it is currently missing one item ………A SPORTS DRINK. if you have any contacts in this area please pass them on or even better make contact and see if you can get free product. we will need 1000 units if asked but if you can get 200 units take them as it does not have to be all the same.

John Wallnutt

DCT Race Director


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