The name of the association shall be the Piranha Triathlon Club (hereinafter referred to as ‘PTC’)
PTC will be registered with Triathlon Ireland Ltd., the governing body of triathlon in Ireland.
Registered Office
The registered office of PTC shall be determined by the PTC’s Committee (“the Committee”) annually at the General Meeting.
Promote, organise, develop, manage and administer the sport of triathlon.
Encourage and foster all levels of triathlete within the club.
Affiliate with Triathlon Ireland Ltd. and any other organisations, as may be determined from time to time by the Committee.
Prescribe, maintain and uphold the rules, regulations and code of ethics as set by Triathlon Ireland Ltd.
Generally, do all things whatsoever for the benefit of triathlon which may be deemed expedient or which may be directly or indirectly, incidental or ancillary to the other objects of PTC.
The Club shall cater for:
- Triathlon
- Multi-sports involving the individual sports of running, cycling and swimming (duathlons, aqua-thons and other variations)
- The individual sports of running, cycling and swimming.
Application for membership shall be made through the Triathlon Ireland website or such other process as determined in conjunction with Triathlon Ireland. Applicants shall supply such information as requested by the Committee or Triathlon Ireland. All applications shall be considered by the Committee which may, at its discretion, accept or refuse any such application (successful applicants shall hereinafter be referred to as “members”). A register of members shall be maintained.
Membership remains valid for the calendar year. In order to continue membership, members are required to renew their membership for each new calendar year by a date prescribed by the Committee. The annual membership fees are proposed annually by the outgoing Committee treasurer in conjunction with the Committee and are carried by majority vote at the AGM.
It is mandatory for members of PTC who are training with the club to be either full or student members of Triathlon Ireland, the national governing body for the sport of triathlon in Ireland. Failure to maintain a membership of Triathlon Ireland (in accordance with the membership policies of Triathlon Ireland), or the withdrawal of membership of Triathlon Ireland from a member of PTC automatically results in an immediate loss of entitlement to train with PTC.
Junior Membership
In order to allow for junior members (persons under the age of 18) can be accepted, the club must first adopt the Triathlon Ireland Ltd. Code of Ethics and ensure that the proper safeguarding structures are in place. Applications by Juniors must be reviewed by the Committee and Children’s Officer (CO) and can only be accepted if all controls are in place as per TI recommendations. A junior member’s application, if accepted, must be signed by the named members parent or guardian. Junior members must have a valid TI license.
Associate membership
PTC allows for associate members. Membership of Triathlon Ireland is required for associate members. Associate members can race under the name of PTC and attend social events but cannot participate in club training sessions as they are not insured under TI membership.
Cessation of Membership / Resignation
Approved persons remain members of the club until such time as they tender a resignation / cessation, or they fail to renew their membership. Failure of existing members to renew their annual fee by the date prescribed by the Committee will result in an automatic loss of membership of PTC.
A Member who wishes to resign as a member of the club must inform the Committee in writing. No refund of membership fees will be paid upon resignation from PTC and members remain liable to PTC for any membership fees due and owing to the club at the date of resignation.
The Committee of PTC is empowered to withdraw membership from any member of PTC for good cause, which includes but is not limited to a breach of the Club’s Constitution, including the Code of Conduct, any actions inconsistent with the Club’s objectives or any actions which place the Club in disrepute, provided that the Club Disciplinary and Grievance Procedure has been followed.
Life Membership
Where any person has rendered special service to PTC or to the sport of triathlon in Ireland, they may, on the nomination of the Committee, be elected a life member of PTC at a General Meeting.
General Meeting
The Annual General Meeting shall be held at such place and at such time as may be determined by the Committee.
Not later than 30 days before the date of the Annual General Meeting, every member, shall be notified of the time, date and place of the meeting.
It is acceptable that a posting on the PTC website and a distributed email is acceptable for any notification.
An Exceptional General Meeting shall be convened at the request of the Committee or within 60 days of the receipt of written requisition from not less than 25% of members. Such requisition shall set forth the purpose of such meeting. In the event of the Committee not convening such meeting, the requisitioners shall be entitled to convene the meeting themselves.
Not later than 30 days before the date of the Exceptional General Meeting, every member, life member and management Committee member shall be notified by the Secretary of the time, date, place and purpose of the meeting.
Business of the Annual General Meeting
The business of the Annual General Meeting shall include:
- Receipt and adoption of the Annual Report.
- Receipt and adoption of the balance sheet and income and expenditure accounts.
- Election of officers and management Committee
- Election of life members (if any).
- Consideration of resolutions of which notice has been given.
- Transaction of any general business.
Members shall give notice in writing of any business to be discussed or resolutions to be considered at the Annual General Meeting no later than 14 before the date of such meeting.
At any General Meeting of PTC, delegates present and representing not less than 20% of the members shall constitute a quorum.
At all General Meetings, the chairperson of the Committee shall be entitled to take the chair. If the Committee chairperson is absent, then another member of the Committee shall take the chair. Any member disobeying the ruling of the chair may be suspended for the period of the meeting by ordinary resolution of the meeting.
Except for that provided for in the Alteration to Rules section, the business of PTC shall be decided by a simple majority of votes cast.
Each Committee member shall have one vote.
Each individual member athlete affiliated under the rules of membership outlined in the Membership section shall have one vote.
Each life member shall have one vote. If any person is both a Committee member and/or a life member and/or a member, they shall be entitled to only one vote.
A resolution put to the vote shall be decided on a show of hands unless a poll is demanded, before or on the declaration of the result.
Any poll called for shall be carried out as the chairperson shall direct.
The chairperson shall have a casting vote in addition to a deliberative vote.
Except where alternative arrangements for payment have been agreed to by the Committee, no member shall be entitled to vote at any general meeting unless all sums presently payable by that member in respect of subscriptions, fees and other amounts due to PTC have been paid.
The following Committee officers of PTC shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting:
- Chairperson
- Secretary
- Treasurer
- Training Officers (x2)
- Events Officers (x2)
- Marketing Officer
- New Members (New to Triathlon) Officers (x2)
- Membership Officer
Sub-Committee officers
TI affiliation requires that the club have a Women’s officer and a Technical officer. These roles can be in addition to primary Committee roles. However, they can be filled by people not on the Committee.
- Women’s officer
- Technical Officer
Children’s Officer and Designated Liaison person
In order to facilitate juniors training with the club PTC must have a Children’s officer and Designated Liaison person. The roles are described in Appendix 1 below. The club will strive to have these roles in place and will communicate status as such via the club website, announcements channels and at the AGM.
The Committee shall have power to fill vacancies arising during the year and to reinvent the list of required positions to be filled.
The Committee shall consist of a minimum of eight and a maximum of twelve members.
Fifty percent (rounded down to whole numbers) of Committee members shall form a quorum at meetings of the Committee.
The Chairperson shall have a casting vote in addition to a deliberative vote.
Any Committee member who fails to attend two consecutive meetings of the Committee without leave of absence shall forfeit their seat on the Committee.
The Committee may appoint a replacement Committee member in the event of the death, resignation, or forfeiture of position of a Committee member. Such replacement shall hold office for the remainder of the term of the member who was replaced.
Method of meeting: A meeting of the Committee may be held either:
Physical meeting: by several of the Committee members who constitute a quorum being assembled together at the place, date and time appointed for the meeting; or
Other means: by means of audio, or audio and visual, communication by which all Committee members participating and constituting a quorum can simultaneously hear each other throughout the meeting.
Functions and Powers of the Committee
The Committee shall be responsible for carrying out the aims and objectives of PTC, and shall have the following functions and powers in addition to those provided for elsewhere in these rules:
To formulate, adopt and monitor a strategic plan, which shall be presented at each Annual General Meeting.
To adopt and monitor an annual plan and financial budget.
To enter into an employment contract on such terms and conditions as the Committee shall think fit and to adopt clearly defined delegations of authority from the Committee.
To appoint any sub-Committees and to delegate such powers and responsibilities as the Committee deems appropriate to such sub-Committees.
To impose any penalty upon any member who is found guilty of breaching any of the rules, by-laws, regulations of PTC or of refusing to give effect to any resolution passed by any General Meeting or by the Committee, or by actions that bring the club into disrepute.
To determine the process to apply in respect of the appointment of:
- Coaches and captains
- Other positions as required.
To determine the fees payable by members each year.
To enter into contracts of insurance, sponsorship and other types of contracts as deemed appropriate to carry out the objects of PTC.
Such other powers as may be necessary or desirable to further the objects of PTC.
Finance and Annual Report
The financial year of PTC shall close on the 30th day of September in each year.
All monies received shall be paid to the credit of PTC at a bank or banks as determined by the Committee.
A report of the year’s activities together with the audited balance sheet and income and expenditure account shall be prepared by the Committee for presentation at the Annual General Meeting.
Alteration of the Rules
These rules may be amended, repealed or replaced by a resolution passed by a majority of not less than 60 per cent of the votes cast at an Annual General Meeting. Notice of the proposed alteration shall be given to the Committee at least 28 days prior to the date of the Annual General Meeting at which it is intended to propose the alteration. Notice shall be given of the proposed resolution in accordance with rules for General Meetings.
Every Committee member of PTC who does any act in pursuance or intended pursuance of any provision of these rules or any rules or regulations made thereunder in a General Meeting or of the Committee shall be indemnified by PTC against all losses and expenses incurred by them in connection with the discharge of their duties, unless the act was done in bad faith or without reasonable care.
Payments to Members
No member or person associated with PTC shall derive any income, benefit or advantage from PTC where they can materially influence the payment of the income, benefit or advantage, except where that income, benefit or advantage is derived from:
Professional services to PTC rendered in the course of business, charged at no greater rate than current market rates; or
Interest on money lent at no greater rate than the current market rates.
Winding Up
PTC may be liquidated by a resolution carried by a simple majority (half plus one) of the votes cast at a General Meeting held in accordance with these rules.
If upon the liquidation of PTC there remains surplus funds after the satisfaction of all its debts and liabilities whatsoever, the same shall not be paid to or distributed among the members of PTC but shall be given or transferred to some other charitable organisation or body having purposes similar to the objectives of PTC, or for some charitable purpose, within Ireland.
Dublin City Triathlon (“DCT”)
PTC organizes Dublin City Triathlon, DCT annually. Each year the Committee will seek applications for the positions of Race Director, Assistant Race Director and any other roles they feel are necessary to run a successful event. These are paid positions that involve working with all relevant stakeholders to ensure that race day is a success for all athletes and volunteers. Application are made in writing to the Committee and it is at the Committee’s discretion as to how successful applicants are chosen.
Code of Conduct
All members of Piranha Triathlon Club shall:
- Abide by the Club Constitution and this Code of Conduct and rules laid down by the sport’s governing body, Triathlon Ireland (TI)
- Encourage and commend fellow members in their training, competition and participation.
- Show respect and dignity for their fellow members
- Uphold the good name and reputation of PTC, both inside and outside of Club activities, and conduct themselves in an appropriate manner
- Only train within their abilities and levels of fitness
- Ensure good time management, so as not to delay the start times of sessions they attend
- Report any medical conditions, injuries or incidents whether at training or during events to the Club marshal or coach allocated to that session or event
- Report any grievances or complaints to the appropriate member of the Committee
- Be paid up members of TI, to ensure they receive the personal insurance cover which TI membership confers. The Club does not provide any training/racing insurance cover to members and will not accept any member who is not a TI member.
Swimming – all members shall:
- Observe and respect the pace and workout routines of other swimmers in their lane, avoiding actions that are likely to interfere with those routines and maintaining good lane discipline
- Be aware of other pool users who may be in distress, or whose actions may cause risk to the member, and attract the attention of a Club coach or pool lifeguard in such circumstances
- Ensure adequate hydration during swim sessions by bringing a drinks bottle to the poolside
- Be aware that surfaces in the facilities are likely to be wet and slippery and therefore take care
- On open water swims, all members:
- Must wear a wetsuit and brightly coloured swim cap
- Try to use a buddy system and swim in pairs based upon speed and ability
- Swim parallel to the bank/shore unless adequate safety cover exists for areas beyond that where possible
- Roll on to their back and raise their arm to attract the attention of the safety cover if experiencing any difficulty
Unless otherwise stated all open water swim sessions are on an ad hoc basis and taken at the participant’s own risk
Cycling – all members shall:
- Wear a correctly fitted and fastened cycling helmet
- Ensure that their bike is in good roadworthy condition
- Carry some cash, mobile phone, spare inner tubes and a mini pump on all club rides
- Ensure adequate hydration and nourishment on club rides
- Dress appropriately for the weather / daylight conditions
- Respect and obey the rules of the road
- Act responsibly to promote the good image of cyclists.
- On group rides, members shall keep to the left wherever possible, ride two abreast where the conditions allow, and go single file on busy roads. Always maintain an orderly riding pattern and not use tri-bars within the group
Run – All members shall:
- Act responsibly to promote the good image of runners
Club Disciplinary and Grievance Procedure
- Grievance Procedure
1.1 Introduction
The Club accepts that it is in our mutual interest to establish a clear procedure for the resolution of all Club related issues arising between members and the Club. Full recognition is given to the significance of personal grievances and we are determined that all grievances and disputes will be dealt with without undue delay and at the earliest possible stage of this procedure.
We operate an open-door policy and members are encouraged to make full use of this facility by contacting the Committee.
1.2 Procedure
- Any complaint or grievance must be submitted in writing to the Club Chairperson and Secretary.
- Acknowledgement of receipt will be provided within five working days to the complainant.
- The Club Chairperson and Secretary will appoint an investigation Committee comprising two Committee officers and one full member (the “Investigation Committee”) to investigate the complaint or grievance. If the complainant or the respondent is part of the Committee, then they cannot form part of the Investigation Committee.
- The Investigation Committee will examine the complaint/grievance and the written response of the person(s) against whom the complaint relates.
- After investigation, the Investigation Committee will issue its decision to the Chairperson and Secretary on whether the matter should be upheld or not, together with their reasons for the decision.
- The Chairperson or Secretary will contact both parties involved with the decision of the Investigation Committee. Either party may appeal the decision, in writing, within 14 days of receipt of the decision.
- If an appeal is received, then the Chairperson and Secretary will appoint an Appeals Committee comprising two different Committee officers and one different full member to review the decision.
- The Appeals Committee shall issue its decision to the Chairperson or Secretary, who will contact the parties, and such a decision is final. The Appeals Committee may recommend if disciplinary action is warranted and it is up to the Committee to decide what form of disciplinary action should be taken, if any. The Appeals Committee decision is final.
- Disciplinary Procedure
2.1 Introduction
Members will be liable to Committee disciplinary action for misconduct.
Relatively minor breaches of discipline will normally be dealt with by warnings. However, if they are repeated, they will lead on to further stages of the procedure.
More serious types of misconduct may leave a member open to suspension or to the withdrawal of their membership, depending on the gravity of the offences and on any mitigating circumstances.
2.2 Procedure
Where a Member’s conduct warrants disciplinary action, the following procedures will apply,
2.2.1. Formal Verbal Warning
In the event of a breach of conduct by a member, the member will be given a formal verbal warning by a Committee Officer. This warning will be recorded at the next Committee meeting.
2.2.2. Written Warning
In the event of a further breach, the member will be issued with a formal written warning. This written warning will be recorded at the next Committee meeting.
2.2.3. Expulsion
If, following a written warning, a member is guilty of further breaches, the member will be expelled. Expulsion can only take place after the member has had an opportunity to hear all the allegations against him or her and to present his/her case to the Committee. All cases of expulsion will be decided upon by the Committee
2.2.4. Misconduct
In cases of serious misconduct including but not limited to:
- breaches of trust
- fighting
- theft
- cheating
- doping
- refusal to accept instructions from club coaches or officials
- willful damage to property
- bringing the club into disrepute
In cases of misconduct warranting summary dismissal, the following procedure applies:
Following investigation of any matter under clause 2.2.4, Committee may decide either to dismiss a member, or impose another form of discipline, such as suspension from the Club and/or final written warning without recourse to the procedure in 2.2.1 to 2.2.3 above.
2.3 Natural justice at all stages of the procedure, the member will be given the opportunity to hear the allegations against him/her and to make his/her own case
If an appeal is received, then the Chairperson and Secretary will appoint an Appeals Committee comprising two Committee officers and one full member to review the Committee decision.
The Appeals Committee shall issue its decision to the Chairperson or Secretary, who will contact the parties, and such a decision is final.
Any sanction in relation to Triathlon Ireland complaints & disciplinary policy is separate to PTC
2.6 Review
This procedure will be reviewed periodically.
In the event of any dispute over the interpretation of these rules or any question arising in connection with the administration of the club not provided for in these rules, that question shall be decided by the Committee.
Any such decision shall be recorded in the minutes of the next Committee meeting and shall remain in force until it is amended or revoked by the Committee or by a resolution passed at a General Meeting.
Appendix 1:
Children’s Officer (CO) & Designated Liaison (DL) person
It is compulsory for all clubs with a junior section to have a qualified Children’s Officer and Designated Liaison Person.
Safeguarding requirements for Children’s Officer & Designated Liaison person:
– Attend a 3-hour Safeguard 1 course – Child Protection in Sport Awareness Workshop*.
– Attend a 3-hour Safeguard 2 course – Children’s Officer. (DLP does not need to attend Safeguard 2 unless they are acting in a duel role as CO & DLP).
– Attend a 3-hour Safeguard 3 course – Designated Liaison Person.
– Undertake Garda Vetting or Access NI through TI.
– Complete the appropriate code of conduct. Form 8 OR Form 10
* Safeguard 1, 2 & 3 are run in the Republic by the LSP’s and the North by Sport NI and some will be run by TI.
Role of Children’s Officer:
– The CO should familiarize themselves with the safeguarding requirements for coaches as well as relevant legislation. See updates here.
– The CO should keep a database of which coaches in their clubs are qualified to coach or supervise junior athletes.
– The CO should aid in the safe recruitment of volunteers and coaches to work with club juniors.
– The CO is the voice of the juniors in the club so should make themselves known and accessible to the junior athletes.
– The CO should store the Form 11’s confidentially for reference.
Once qualified a CO can sign off on the ID proofing for other members of the club.
The CO should be consulted on all safeguarding issues including risk assessments for training sessions and events.
The CO should give a report to the main club Committee at Committee meetings regarding any junior issues, while maintaining necessary confidentiality.
The CO should report any safeguarding issues to the Designated Liaison Person so that they can be reported to TI and the Statutory authorities. The CO is also free to consult with TI and the statutory authorities.
Role of Designated Liaison person:
Every club should Identify a designated liaison person to act as a liaison with outside agencies and a resource person to any staff member or volunteer who has child protection concerns (The CO may also be the DL, however larger clubs should consider having these as two separate roles.
The designated liaison person is responsible for ensuring that the standard reporting procedure is followed, so that suspected cases of child neglect or abuse are referred promptly to the Child and Family Agency Duty Social Worker. In the event of an emergency where you think a child is in immediate danger and you cannot get in contact with the Children and Family Agency Duty Social Worker, you should contact An Garda Síochána.
The designated liaison person should ensure that they are knowledgeable about child protection and undertake any training considered necessary to keep themselves updated on new developments.
Reference – Triathlon Ireland