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Volunteers of the month (x5)

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  • #15227
    Killian Nolan

    Hi everyone –

    It’s been a bit of a hiatus but it’s overdue that we acknowledge some of the fine work our members have been doing on behalf of the club, as such we are celebrating our volunteers of the month – backdated for the last few months.

    March – David Furlong:
    Dave volunteered for the role of Diversity & Inclusiveness officer at our last AGM and worked hard to develop our own Piranha inclusion statement which is now listed on our website (here) and helped coordinate our recent gear donation drive to the Sanctuary Runner group.

    April – Enda Traynor:
    Enda as our run captain has spearheaded many events to keep us all on our toes and pushing forward, even with the lack of other formal races we have had multiple club race series on the track which has been a great motivator for so many members. Kudos Enda!

    May – Hannah Gibney
    Hannah has been working tirelessly to maintain our rota of bike leads for our Sunday bike spins and ensure the cycle routes each week are set ahead of time. She has also been coordinating the distribution of our member hoodies to everyone in the club and this is no mean logistical feat!

    June – Eric Clonan:
    Eric has been a stalwart of our cycle lead rota and a fixture of almost all spins himself over the past number of months, he has put his hand up to lead groups when others have not been able and this has been a great help to the club cycling program.

    July – Sean Walsh:
    This month saw a return to club swimming in Westwood, along with the earlier return of UCD swimming, this simply could not have happened without Sean. The logistics of working with venues to secure dates, lanes and time slots and also with our coaches to ensure expert tuition is on hand was all managed with aplomb by Sean.

    All volunteers of the month will receive a One4All voucher as a token of our appreciation. Our club is entirely volunteer dependant and could not continue without members helping with the day to day activities. Thank you again to all our volunteers!

    • This topic was modified 3 years, 6 months ago by Killian Nolan.
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