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Volunteer in the Spotlight!!

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  • #15685
    Adele Hall

    The Committee would like to acknowledge some of the great volunteer work carried out by one of our members on behalf of the club! Our club is entirely volunteer-run and we could not continue without our brilliant members helping with the day to day activities and our club events.

    Since before Christmas, the DCT Committee has been busy preparing for Dublin City Triathlon, our club race, which is taking place this Summer on 26 August.

    In addition our Women’s lead, Joanne Kennedy (together with our Marketing duo – Faye and Mikey), led a social media campaign during Women In Sport week 2023 highlighting some of the amazing women in our community.

    Having only joined the club early in 2023, one new member put up his hand to help out extensively with both the DCT planning and the Women in Sport campaign – Owen Ingarfield. Owen has many years experience in creative branding and design and graciously offered those skills to help out in the various activities in the club. Big Kudos to Owen (and of course to all the other brilliant volunteers mentioned above)!

    All the volunteer efforts like this add up to make the club a very special thing to be part of and it could not happen without people like Owen. Owen will receive a One4All voucher as a token of our appreciation.

    A big thank you to all our club members who help to make Piranha TC the “best club ever”! If you have an ideas on how you can help out with any of the clubs activities, please get in touch!

    Happy training!!


    • This topic was modified 2 years ago by Adele Hall.
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