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Vo2/lactate threshold testing anyone?

Home Forums General Discussions Vo2/lactate threshold testing anyone?

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    I was hoping to get some testing done early in the season as a training benchmarker looking forward to 2015. Does anyone know where is good to go, or would anyone else be interested in doing this also, maybe we could gather a few for a discounted price, there are details of this here I’ve never done these tests before but I believe they are a great training tool to have. Thanks


    …one other thing, if anyone has done the test with Health Matters do they do Lactate testing as part of their Vo2 test, I’m asking this because DBC- Sports Medicine & Rehabilitation offer the same service of Vo2 testing for €85, but then have Blood Lactate Profiling-Vo2 Max testing for €120. So they’re a separate test. This isn’t mentioned on Health Matters.


    Bernard Donne in TCD does the following….

    Standard graded incremental test, either running or cycling, involves pre-test medical screening to rule out any medical contraindications to maximal exercise testing; haematological assessment, pulmonary function testing pre- and post-exercise and a general screening medical assessment including assessment of blood pressure by a qualified sports medical practitioner. In addition, anthropometric data (height, body mass, % body fat by skinfold thickness at 4 anatomical sites and lean body mass) are collected as part of the medical assessment.

    During graded exercise testing running on a motorised treadmill or cycling on an electromechanically braked cycle ergometer, following a controlled 10-min warm-up and stretching, respiratory variables to assess oxygen consumption (VO2) and carbon dioxide production (VCO2), minute ventilation (VE), respiration rate and rates of fat and carbohydrate metabolism (RER) are assessed on a breath by breath basis using an online metabolic cart and snug fitting facemask (clean shaven in facial region on day of assessment a test requirement), heart rate responses to exercise are assessed via a standard radiotelemetric heart rate belt and finger-tip blood samples are collected at 2-min into each 3-min exercise element for immediate blood lactate analysis. Upon completion of exercise you continue with a low-intensity cool-down for 5 minute (running or cycling) before repeating pulmonary function tests to screen for symptoms of exercise induced bronchoconstriction. While you have your post-test shower graphs of VO2, HR and blood lactate across exercise load (W) or running velocity (km.h-1)are plotted and appropriate HR training intensities and training frequencies are prescribed. In addition, where necessary, basic athletic nutritional advice is provided

    Total cost inclusive of pre-test medical screening is a mere 60€ payable on the day of assessment by cheque, bank draft or postal order.


    Health matters do not include LT as part of the test from my understanding and as such, dilutes the value of the test itself in my opinion.

    I have used Bernard Donne in TCD for a number of years and cannot recommend him highly enough.


    I did the Health Matters tests last Feb and I found the results to be inaccurate. While my anaerobic threshold hr was about right, my aerobic threshold hr was way off (+10bpm) and would have meant I was going too hard when I was meant to be aerobic.

    As the guys mentioned above. The health matters test does not take a lactate profile (finger prick test) so the gas mask only tells you part of the story.

    I’ll be booking in to see Bernard very soon.


    Hey Alan,

    Cost of Bernard is €60 and it’s paid by bank draft made payable to “TCD Number 1 Account”.


    Hey, that’s all good stuff, ill go to this man Bernard so. Thanks.


    Been using Bernard for the last 6 years. First test after about first five weeks of base training and then again just before the season start. Best value around and he’s good and gruff.
    Do what he tells you if you don’t want a good old fashion bolliking.
    Hydrate, sleep and rest day before.

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