Home › Forums › Announcements › TI MEMBERSHIP **92**
Today’s number of fantastic members who have renewed their TI membership is 92
please renew today if you have not done so already 🙂
Question: I renewed on 22nd of Dec, however haven’t received the letter with the TI card yet, is that the case for others?
Yeah they won’t post them out immediately, but you should have email confirmation so that will be sufficient.
From their email: “If you do not receive your card within 7 working days of today, please contact us using the ‘Contact Us’ form on the triathlonireland.com website.”
, but probably the festive season got in the way a bit.
the TI office was closed for 2 weeks over Christmas – returning on Jan 5th. So give them a few days and you will receive your membership card.
Thanks all!
Yeah I am waiting for my card to arrive also.
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