Hi All, Anthony isn’t around on Friday – here is a nice set to follow. Normal service will be resumed soon.
Warm up
100m ez fins
100m ez f/s
100m ez pull, band and snorkel
Prep set (2 rounds)
2 x 50m snorkel & fins – ez kick on front with kick board – focus on good head position & eliminate rocking from side to side
2 x 50m free with snorkel & fins – smooth
Main set – endurance/pacing practice
Improver 2 rounds
Inter 3 rounds
Adv 4 rounds
100m steady with 15 sec rest
100m best pace with 5-7sec rest
100m steady with 15 sec rest
100m same pace as middle 100m with 30 sec rest
Add 50m to last interval on each round i.e. 150m on round 2, 200m round 3 etc
Big focus on last interval being as fast as the first so don’t go out too hard in the first round!
Easier intervals are “steady” ie. not an excuse to swim with poor mechanics or body position – don’t let your technique get sloppy when swimming easier.