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Sunday cycle 4th Jan – beginners northside option **CANCELLED**

Home Forums Announcements Sunday cycle 4th Jan – beginners northside option **CANCELLED**

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    Been speaking with our esteemed coach, Ian Cassidy, and we are going to also offer a beginner cycle northsider option from WW Clontarf tomorrow leaving at 9:00

    The plan will be for a gentle 2 hour spin (will confirm route tomorrow as will be weather dependent) with average pace of not more than 25kph. We may even go slower depending on the overall group ability i.e. no-one will be left behind

    I suspect that there will be a coffee stop too … as I am weak to such things… all work and no play and all that….

    So please post up if interested and I will confirm details if enough interest by 6pm tonight.

    NB Casso will be still taking out the group from the yellow house @9:00 …. so if this suits you better – stick with that plan.


    • This topic was modified 10 years, 1 month ago by stevenmoody.
    • This topic was modified 10 years, 1 month ago by stevenmoody.
    • This topic was modified 10 years, 1 month ago by stevenmoody.
    Paul Mooney

    Ok we probably need to keep an eye on both posts now. Would be ideal for everyone to meet in one place and go from there.

    So im going to post for New To Tri group and I’ll stick with our new to tri group rather than go with group from yellow house
    Me (sexy Paulo)
    Mags (maybe)
    Aidan (maybe)
    Lorraine (maybe)


    Hi Paul

    Just to clarify – to make it easy for the newbies (and not give them any excuses to shy from the first cycle of the year) we are offering a northside and southside departure ….. so by definition we cannot meet in the same place and go from there … unless you have discovered a secret way of cheating the space/time/continum….

    So lets keep it simple….

    Beginners who it suits to do the 2 hours from the northside (WW Clontarf) – post up against this thread
    People (beginners – advanced) who it suits to go from southside (yellow house) – post up on Casso’s thread

    Hope that is clear to all now – including Mr muddy-the-water Mooney


    The voice of reason, truth, justice and the Moody way

    Paul Mooney

    Well Steve if I dont understand it then it makes it diffcult for me to communicate to any beginners who are in the whatsapp group.

    Two posts on the Sunday cycle and beginners going from both venues, whichever suits?? My suggestion was to meet at one venue rathe than two. Or meet at westwood at 8:30 to go meet the other beginners at the other venue potentially?

    Maybe talk with Cas again? Sorry If I seem difficult im just trying to encourage more beginners out.




    Meeting from one location does not work – as if you attempt a start from WW @ 8:30 – you are adding on an hour/30km to the planned spin which many newbies may not be ready for … thus will go against your plan to encourage them out.

    Have spoken with Casso and we are in agreement …. 2 options as above … I do not know how I can make it any clearer.

    We are going to offer

    Beginners who it suits to do the 2 hours from the northside (WW Clontarf) – post up against this thread
    People (beginners – advanced) who it suits to go from southside (yellow house) – post up on Casso’s thread

    As I said in the first post – if the WW option does not make it easier for any beginners it will be canned and the plan will revert to original of Southside only start as per Casso’s post.

    Paul Mooney

    Ok cool.

    my concern was if only one beginner turns up at Yellow House.

    Looks like we have a good group from.westwood anyway.

    See ya tomorrow


    will be at WW


    @paul …. your feedback is noted and will be filed in the same “special” place for any independent thoughts that dare to query my authority….

    Glad we worked that out…

    @newbies – sorry for any confusion from the above – we will be a little more joined up in future …

    See you in WW tomorrow and please note the following.

    You are responsible for bringing a road worthy bike – ie brakes/gears/tyres in good working order and a helmet.

    I will be checking the above and if you are missing of the prerequisites you will not be allowed to cycle with group – no exceptions – so do your checking tonight please.

    You also need to bring – food (jellies/energy bar/banana – we will only be out for 2 hrs approx so no need to pack the kitchen), water/energy drink, helmet, spare tubes, hand pump or CO2 canister and appropriate clothing (weather forecast is for sunny spells but will be coldish) – so recommend gloves, beany,long sleeved jacket, base layer, long cycle trousers if you have them

    Will confirm the route tomorrow based on ability.



    Will be at WW.


    Glad to see this option as Casso’s route is not suitable for beginners of any sort. Its a long climb which would be twice as high as Howth. In fact I think this would put many Newbies off if they went on it. It needs to be clearer who is New to Tri ( but a regular biker) and who is a complete Cycling novice !
    Casso also need to look at this with the bike captain


    I’ll be at WW, thank you


    See you in the morning at WW


    Ok guys – happy we have decent numbers tomorrow.

    Just a word of warning – noticed some ice out on road tonight – so I will be checking in am if we are still good to go tomorrow.

    So please check the website in the am before leaving (always good practice btw) to make sure still on. I will post up in the am.

    I suspect we will be ok but best to be safe rather than sorry around this time of year.



    I will be there thanks…Rob


    Hi Guys,
    Start time moved to 10am @ westwood.
    Check in again before you head off.

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