Home › Forums › General Discussions › Running Survey for the design of a free app
Hey folks!
A friend of mine is developing a free app as part of her masters. The idea is to find people near you that would be suitable for you to run with.
To help her figure out if there’s a market for this, can you answer 10 tick-the-box questions? https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/VDZL3V8
(even if you don’t think you’d ever use the free app… all opinions welcome!)
Thanks!! :-*
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Done, a good idea, wish her well.
Like tinder for training.
Done. Cool idea.
Thanks for the responses boys and girls! Anyone else who has spare time this morning, feel free to fill in, she’ll accept answers all week! https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/VDZL3V8
Done. Good luck.
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