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New-to-Tri Supervised Open Water Swim

Home Forums New to Tri New-to-Tri Supervised Open Water Swim

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  • #6932

    A supervised swim will be organized at 10.00am on Sunday, 17th May at the Bull Wall for all New-to-Tri members. We will be in the first bathing shelter along the pier. This time does clash with the Sunday cycle, however, you being comfortable in the open water is our highest priority right now.

    Please enter your name on the sheet at this link to confirm your attendance:

    Swimmers will be placed into groups of no more than 10. The session will be structured as follows:

    10.00 – 10.15 Safety briefing
    10.15 – 10.30 Putting on the wetsuit and prep for water entry
    10.30 – 10.35 Group 1 enter water and acclimatize
    10.35 – 10.50 Group 1 swim
    10.45 – 10.50 Group 2 enter the water and acclimatize
    10.50 – 11.05 Group 2 swim
    11.00 – 11.05 Group 3 enter water and acclimatize
    11.05 – 11.20 Group 3 swim

    If the numbers require it we will add a fourth group.

    For the swim, please bring:
    • Swimming togs
    • Wetsuit
    • Goggles
    • Multiple hats (we will try to colour code the different groups)
    • Glide (or some other rash protection product)

    For after the swim, please bring:
    • 2 towels – one to stand on and other to dry yourself off
    • Lots of layers of clothes
    • Flask with our favoured tipple (tea, hot chocolate or anything else that comes to mind!)
    • Some sweet treats to eat to congratulate yourselves on a great swim!

    Please arrive at 9.50am as we will be starting promptly at 10.00am.

    Proud to be a Piranha





    the list is standing at 24 for Sunday’s swim. If there are any more additional names, please add them to the list asap.

    Daireen, Rachel, John – we have sufficient volunteers so you guys can join the crew in the water :o))

    Looking forward to a great day


    • This reply was modified 9 years, 10 months ago by Bernard.
    Rachel Hayes

    Ok. Great. See you in the morning.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


    Thanks for organising the swim this morning Bernard and thanks to Chris, Sinead and all the volunteers for keeping us safe.
    Main lesson I’ve learnt apart from the fact that the water is cold is that it’s useful to be able to breath to the side the waves aren’t coming from.
    Are there likely to be any further open water sessions in the near future?



    Well done to the 34 Piranha’s who took to the water this morning at the Bull Wall – and particular congratulation to those for whom it was a first ever Open Water Swim! The conditions were tough – with a strong wind and choppy waters. However, next time you know that the swim should be easier.

    Thanks very much to our coaches Sinead and Kris for your support on land and on the water (or in the water in Kris’s case:o))

    Thanks to John Lyons for the kayak and the effort of walking it from your home to the bull wall.

    Finally, thanks to the volunteers who supported the swimmers from land and sea: Maros, James Northridge, Darragh, Ross, Paul and Catherine Leavy.

    Enjoy the rest of your Sunday!

    Proud to be a Piranha

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 10 months ago by Bernard.

    Thanks Bernard and coaches for today… it’s so much easier to get in the water with group support!

    Also thanks John for the brownies afterwards.. you’re a shoe-in for clubman of the year if you keep up the baking 🙂

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