Hey Guys,
All new members will have been in touch with Membership Team (Barry/Louise) in the beginning and then heard from Niamh or Myself soon after.
You should all be aware of how/where to register for the forum, but also the website as certain plans and documents are hidden until you log in i.e. New to Tri/Club Members Handbook. You should also have been invited to Join a “New to Tri” or “New to Piranha” whatsapp groups. (If not then txt me)
You will now be assigned a buddy as we want to ensure you have all the supports you need in Piranha. Your assigned Buddy will contact you individually and just check to see how you are enjoying your experience, and introduce you to the more familiar faces around the club.
*If you would like to be a buddy yourself after settling in, please contact me and I will assign you some new Piranhas to “guide” 
Paul Mooney