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National Series Races – Get registering!

Home Forums Races National Series Races – Get registering!

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    A couple of National Series Races are open or are opening that you might / should be interested in!

    Triathy Sprint Triathlon
    – Although there are a number of distances catered for in Athy, the Sprint distance should be the one most of you should focus on as it has been chosen as the club race this year
    – It takes place on Saturday 30th May in Athy which is in South Kildare so its easy to travel up and down to on the day of the race (c. 80km one way from Dublin)
    – Entries are now open and have been open for a while so if you haven’t registered please do so now to avoid disappointment
    – Entries are available through the TriAthy website or through the TI website
    – I would also recommend registering for the SwimAthy option which is held the week before TriAthy. It will take place on a Sunday morning and will give you the chance to swim the course that you will be racing the following week. This is very useful for those who might not be very confident in the water or would like to get to know the course better. I do SwimAthy ever year and then cycle the course after to get familiar with it so if there are people down to do the swim I can bring you around the bike course after for a small fee!
    – We will be having a night out after the race and I will let you know further details on that once they are finalised

    Crooked Lake Sprint Triathlon
    – Sprint distance race taking place on Saturday 6th June
    – Held in Camlough, Armagh
    – Entries via TI website tomorrow morning (1 April) @ 8am
    – Entries will go quick for this as its a popular race on the TI calendar
    – If you miss an entry tomorrow and it sells out you can go on the official Crooked Lake Triathlon website where you can put your name on a waiting list. The organisers have advised that they will work through that list on a first come first served basis

    Westport Sprint Triathlon
    – Sprint distance race taking place on Saturday 6th June (same day as Camlough)
    – Held in Wsestport, Co. Mayo
    – Entries via TI website are open now. Its a great race and a great location

    King of the Hill Triathlon in Cork is opening for a second round of entries tomorrow morning at 8am (1 April) so if you missed an entry the first time around now is your second chance. Quite a few Piranhas have already signed up for this and will be down there for the weekend

    The Lost Sheep, Middle Distance Triathlon is opening for entries this month (on 15 April @ 8am) and that will sell out super quick. I will post up another reminder closer to the date but keep it in mind. There will definitely be a few from the club going down to do this. Its a great race, a great night out and a beautiful part of the country.

    Piranha National Series Co-Ordinator 2015

    • This topic was modified 9 years, 11 months ago by Willo.

    All, just a reminder that Tri Athy Sprint and King of the Hill are on the Club National Series Strategy calendar. Tri Athy Sprint will also be the Club Championship for Piranha. The other NS Strategy Club races are By Hook or by crook, Hell of the West, Caroline Kearney and Pulse Port Beach. Please see the full story on the National Series Strategy published by Will in January here:


    • This reply was modified 9 years, 11 months ago by Bernard.

    Bump – 200 entries for The Lost Sheep are available at 8am tomorrow morning (15th April)

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