Tues 1500m loop to warm up and cool down, plus 3/4 strides. 6 by 1500m intervals at 10km pace, 2 min rec.
Thurs 10min warm up and cool down drills and plyometrics
12 by 150m with 50m jog rec.
Day 3. 10mile Race Frank Duffy (if not able to race to a 10mile time trial)
Long run 1 hour 40 very easy
Tues 1500m loop warm up and cool down, plus 3/4 strides
4 by 3km (2 laps of the Sports Centre field) 3kms at half marathon effort with 2min jog recovery
Thurs 10min warm up and cool down, warm up drills and strides
20 by 400m with 100m jog recovery. Yes 20….10km effort
Day 3 50 mins easy with 8 by 20 second pick ups along the way with a good 1-2mins in between pick ups.
Long run 2 hours
Tues 1500m loop warm up and cool down, 3/4 strides
1500m (1 lap) 1min rec, 3km (2 laps) 90 sec rec 6km (4laps) 3min rec, 3km (2 laps) Half marathon effort
Thurs 10min warm up and cool down, warm up drills and strides 4 by 10min tempo with 1min rec
Day 3 60mins easy with 6 by 15 second fast strides after the run
Long run 2 hours 20mins