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Piranha 4 by 1 mile virtual race

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    Piranha 4 by 1 mile virtual race

    We are excited to launch the “Piranha 4 by 1 mile virtual race”! See below for details and sign-up sheet.

    Long before Eluid Kipchoge was “Breaking 2” hours for the Marathon, the most glamorous barrier in athletics was the sub-4 minute mile!

    Roger Bannister was the first person to go under 4 minutes in 1954 and since that point, Ireland has actually had a pretty interesting relationship with the distance.

    In fact, Ireland holds a long-standing (35 year old) record for the 4 by 1 mile relay with an incredible time of 15:49:08! The backstory to that record is brilliant so check out the links in reply to this forum post for more detail.

    Inspired by this world record, we’re going to run a virtual 4 by 1 mile relay race series over the Level 5 lockdown period to keep us all fit and entertained. The entertainment part will mainly come from a lot of slagging of suspected sandbaggers! 🙂

    We want as many people as possible to get involved and we will be creating teams based on having an even split of times across the 4 member team so every level is encouraged to participate.

    In keeping with the original ethos of the 1985 event which was created to support the GOAL charity, we will tie the event in with a charity near and dear to Piranha: the Karen Fenton Ovarian Cancer Fund. We encourage everyone to donate to this great cause over the coming weeks and we’ll post details on how to do this in due course.

    Between now and 9pm on Sunday 1st November, everyone who wants to participate should run a 1 mile time trial to get your base time – this time will then allow us to fairly allocate people to teams and then the following week we will run our first race. Go as hard as you can on your 1 mile time trial and trust that the training over November will help get your time down as the weeks go by.

    Please fill in your time in the sign-in sheet:

    We will likely leave gap weeks between the races as Maria and Gary want to keep us fresh for a race in December.

    Maria is going to devise and post a training plan that is geared towards improving our 1 mile time as well as preparing us for our first post-lockdown race which will hopefully be a 5,000 metres on the track in December – more to come on that and other post-lockdown race plans later.

    As well as the essential bragging rights that winning will bring, the committee will also look to pull some prizes together. Let the battle commence!

    • This topic was modified 4 years, 5 months ago by EndaTraynor.
    • This topic was modified 4 years, 5 months ago by EndaTraynor.
    • This topic was modified 4 years, 5 months ago by EndaTraynor.
    • This topic was modified 4 years, 5 months ago by EndaTraynor.
    • This topic was modified 4 years, 5 months ago by EndaTraynor.
    • This topic was modified 4 years, 5 months ago by EndaTraynor.
    • This topic was modified 4 years, 5 months ago by EndaTraynor.


    Well done to all who took part and particularly the overall winners of the Race Series:

    In 3rd place overall with a points total of 36 are Team 5. Congrats to Shane Gavin, Niall O’Flynn, Collie O’Neill and Clare Currams.

    In 2nd place with a points total of 38 are Team 1. Congrats to Killian Nolan, Andrew Cloonan, Joanne Kennedy and Sheila Nolan.

    And in 1st place with a whopping 44 points, with podium finishes in both the first and second race is…. TEAM 9!! A massive well done done to Declan Connolly, Eddie Cosgrove, Darragh Kitt and Siobhan Keating for brilliant performances over the five weeks!

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