The Piranha Ironman Hall of Fame has been updated, with the results from this summer. If those who’d like to be on the list could check to see if your details are there and are correct. If I have missed someone, could you please PM me with your details and I’ll add them. Also links to race reports would be great.
It would appear that we are turning into an Iron distance club, from how quickly the list has grown in the last few years, it’s amazing how the times have also gotten even faster this year, with the Legless Linda(1) and Beetroot Will(2) are now topping the pile.
But what has to be the two outstanding performances of the year Aileen Flynn & Sean Barry have both qualified for Kona, Aileen will be racing on the big island on October 10th 2015.
Want to do something about that?
Go here ➡ http://www.ironman.com
or here ➡ http://www.challenge-family.com
then here ➡ https://www.piranhatri.com/training/training-schedule/swim-training
(1) Obviously not so legless given the time she ran!
(2) Trademark used with permission
This topic was modified 9 years, 5 months ago by
This topic was modified 9 years, 5 months ago by