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Ironman 70.3 Options 2017

Home Forums Races Ironman 70.3 Options 2017

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  • #11402

    I have given up on my attempt to figure out Survey Monkey! So please see below a list of IM & Challenge 70.3 races in the early part of 2017 to help everyone decide on a race. If you indicate which race/s you would be interested in we can gauge numbers and let everyone know. We will leave this open until the 12th of July for responses.
    According to their web site Ship my Tri Bike are (at the moment) servicing the first 4 on the list s can you also indicate if you would be interested in using SMTB.
    Thanks Megan & Aidan

    IM 70.3 Mallorca 13 May
    IM 70.3 Aix en Provance (France) 14 May
    IM 70.3 St Polien (Austria) 21 May
    IM 70.3 Barcelona 21 May
    IM 70.3 Rapperswil (Switzerland) 11 June
    IM 70.3 Abruzzo Pescara (Italy) 11 June
    IM 70.3 Region Moselle (Luxembourg) 17 June
    IM 70.3 Kromberg (Denmark) 18 June
    Challenge Furteventura TBC April
    Challenge Lisbon 7 May
    Challenge Rimini TBC May
    Challenge Salou TBC May
    Challenge Venice 4 June
    Challenge Herning (Denmark) 10 June
    Challenge Herbronn (Germany) 18 June


    I have removed the sheet for the time being.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by Aidan.

    John Lyons.Aix en Provance gets my vote.


    Hi All

    Survey Monkey (hopefully) is now working….As per Aidan’s post, please complete by the 12th July.

    Aidan & Megan

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by Megan.

    Also can we ask if anyone has done any of the races on the list above can they give feedback – the good, the bad and the ugly?
    Megan & Aidan

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by Aidan.

    Did 70.3 Austria back in 2010 … really cool race – lake swim (with Australian entry/exit) – fast bike course – nice run …. recommended …

    Only issue I recall is that it was slightly hard to get to from the airport


    I did Aix en Provence (Pays d’Aix) in 2013

    The swim was awesome in a clear and calm lake.
    The bike is hilly with about 1200m of climbing
    The run was 4 loops, but I think it’s now 3 loops – also not flat
    Transition is split but the race was incredibly well organised and the racking of bikes the day before was easy and smooth (just a bit of a trek to get there and back the day before and on the morning of the race although there were plenty of buses)

    It’s a great race but not a flat and fast one

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by Megan.
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by Megan.

    I’ve spectated at both Aix en Provence and Lisbon (before it became a Challenge event)

    Negatives for Aix en Provence are the split transition and also the fact that it is difficult to get to from Ireland (we flew into Nice and had a c. 2 hour drive). Also, I think the swim was cancelled this year (weather/water temp), so that is a risk. However its a gorgeous town and lovely food and wine!

    Lisbon was much easier to get to. I recall that the airport is only about a 15 minute drive away from race HQ. Swim is in a dock so relatively protected, bike is mainly motorway, very flat, and run is flat but I think the surface is mixed…cobblestones in parts. Open to clarification…as I was only spectating! A great city and a short train journey into the city centre from race HQ.


    Bump – voting closes tomorrow.
    Megan & Aidan



    Voting closes today and so far its pretty close….




    After a highly contested survey response, the club race for 2017 will be St. Pölten 70.3 on the 21st May.

    Please find a link to the page below, entries aren’t yet open and apparently will be opening next Wednesday.

    Ironman 70.3 St. Pölten

    Aidan and I are currently trying to get further information with regards to accommodation, travel, etc. so we will be putting up a google spreadsheet this afternoon for those who plan on racing to fill in so that we have an idea on numbers.

    People who wish to complete other races, such as Mallorca, are obviously 100% free to do so but St. Pölten will be the club’s main 70.3 focus for 2017.

    Thanks to all who responded

    Aidan & Megan

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 7 months ago by Megan.
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