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Interest in S&C classes in Ballsbridge?

Home Forums Training Interest in S&C classes in Ballsbridge?

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  • #9385

    Hi all

    I have made contact with who are willing to put on a triathlete specific Strength and Conditioning class. If you are interested in either a Tuesday morning or Thursday morning class starting at 7am please post up here to indicate your interest. Here are some more details:

    Cost – €120 for 6 weeks (€20 a class)
    3 to 4 max per class – this will allow for alot of individual attention
    Held on a Tuesday and/or Thursday morning at 7am. The class will run for 45minutes, but allow for 1hr as there will be a warm up and cool down period.
    Given by Andy – a Chartered Physiotherapist and experienced Strength and Conditioning coach
    If there is a interest in more time slots they will look to put on a evening class
    Classes can start very soon (possibly next week) but will start when there is a consensus from at least 4 people from the club

    I have no affliliation with Peak Physio but have been to them before to get a S&C programme and found them very good. They are close to the Aviva, have access to a full gym (Energie Fitness) and the guys there are sounds and knowledgeable. Tuesday or Thursday mornings unfortunately don’t suit me but I thought I would post up here what research I’ve done and maybe some others might like to do these classes. If 4 people post up interest I can arrange to get the classes scheduled with Peak Physio.

    The benefits of strength and conditioning are fairly well established. One thing I heard at a recent talk on the subject is that S&C can improve endurance performance by up to 4%. If you work out what your own times are for different distances and how far up the field 4% would move you it might be something you are willing to invest in. Here is a decent article from usatriathlon on the subject


    • This topic was modified 9 years, 5 months ago by Willo.
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