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Club Ironman Race 2016 !

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    Apologies for the delay in posting this – but been a lot going on and also wanted to wait until the dust/champagne bubbles had selected from a well run Dub 70.3 (Congrats again Mr Walnut).

    So based on the feedback at the Ironman talk I gave and the subsequent forum chat – it has been agreed that the club will have two Ironman races that it will focus on in 2016 – one domestically [Challenge Galway in June) and one internationally [Ironman Barca in Oct]

    So in terms of logistics the main focus will be on Barca as lots more involved – the lads/lassies heading to Gallaimh can be left to their own devices 😉

    What we did well for the Roth Massive was the following

    1) Appointed an overall co-ordinator who managed a decent google xls/wa group so that people know what the others were at Ger V
    2) Appointed a flights co-ordinator who researched/advised on the options for the group – we got good coo-ordination on this Pat L
    3) Appointed a SMTB co-ordinator that managed to negotiate a good group rate for the Roth-ars Fergal
    4) Appointed a hotel co-ordinator that researched and identified good hotel options – we all ended up being close enough to each other for the time there – good support/banter pre and post race Antje
    5) Appointed a liaison for working with the committee in terms of proposing Ironman support – e.g. For Roth there were successful proposals put forward on negotiated rates for S&C and spin classes as part of the training block ….

    So to move this along – I am looking for volunteers for positions 1 – 5 (not too much overhead as spread out roles as much as possible and you will have help

    So please post up if you are in/considering Barca in Oct 2016 and specifically if there is a role you are interested in and I can drop you an email on what is involved

    NB there is an urgency re the getting the IM co-ordinator (#1) tied down – as Barca will open on Oct 4th and based on last year – will sell out in a week – hence need to get the google doc/wa group set up asap to see what training buddies/support network you might have

    This is GONNA be EPIC!!!

    P.s. Am NIGs-ing (Not In Goals) on any of the above role – as not sure I will be doing Barca – but happy to advise/consult to get you lads set up from the start….

    WA members!
    1) Antje
    2) Ferg D
    3) Barry McSpacer (possible)
    4) Pat L
    5) Darragh Kitt
    6) Gav McAllister
    7) Sinead H
    8) Ronan
    9) Tom Ennis
    10) Bernard “CEO” H
    11) Ger V

    • This topic was modified 9 years, 7 months ago by stevenmoody.
    • This topic was modified 9 years, 7 months ago by stevenmoody.
    • This topic was modified 9 years, 7 months ago by stevenmoody.
    • This topic was modified 9 years, 7 months ago by stevenmoody.
    • This topic was modified 9 years, 7 months ago by stevenmoody.
    • This topic was modified 9 years, 7 months ago by stevenmoody.
    • This topic was modified 9 years, 7 months ago by stevenmoody.
    • This topic was modified 9 years, 7 months ago by stevenmoody.

    would love to do Barca 2016. I’m happy to look into hotel options. role #4


    Thanks for that Antje … to get the ball rolling – I will note who is in and create the WA group to handover to the King of Barca (role #1)


    SM – Thanks for coordinating the coordinating.

    I’ll sign up for Barca 2016.

    I’d be happy to do #3.


    Great stuff …. the WA group is growing as we speak …

    And for those fretting over choosing Mallorca 70.3 over Barca …. they actually dove tail nicely … in that you can train for 70.3 and then have some down time and then start to train again starting on a strong Half Ironman base …. *

    * disclaimer – this statement does not take into account budget or partner considerations! 😉


    Could you add me to Barca what’s app Steven. I’m going to do Barca or another warm weather june July IM

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


    Mallorca 70.3 is on May 7 2016

    I assume that WWT 2016 will be the same as this year – Easter week.
    Another consideration for your calendar in 2016.


    I’m hoping to make Barca and can work on the flights for the group


    If there will be a WhatsApp group for Gaillimhe, sign us up. Won’t make Barca, hope to be off foreign and not doing an IM.

    Sent from my G7-L01 using Tapatalk


    please Add me to the whatsapp group too. Need to give it some more thought but Barca in October sounds nice! sometimes have free cancellation, should we book places before the race entry opens? We could cancel if we didn’t get in.


    I’ll look into it darragh. but having some idea of numbers will be helpful


    Hi guys

    can you add me to the Barca WA group please? Not 100% sure on it yet, but just at info collection stage.




    Attached provides some information on Barcelona 2016 registration. For folk that are interested and not already done so, may be no harm setting up a reminder as indicated in the below link.

    Paddy Beirne

    Quick question for any of the IM veterans.

    I’ve registered for Challenge Galway next June and am trying to sort a half IM race as preparation for the big one. Lough Cutra are running a half IM race exactly 4 weeks before Challenge Galway but I’m wondering is that too close to the Ironman in terms of tapering etc?

    Novice question I know, any advice would be great.



    4 weeks if not too bad but it’s better to do one 6, 7 or 8 weeks out which allows you to recover from the race the following week and do you last big block of training for 3 or 4 weeks and then taper down for the last two weeks. I did Athy Double Olympic this year 4 weeks before IM Austria and for that I didn’t taper at all really for the Double Olympic. I wasn’t fresh doing it, didn’t have the result I wanted but it was good prep for IM Austria.

    So my advice is do Lough Cutra, do your last hard session on the Tuesday or Wednesday before it, take it easier on Thursday and Friday but don’t drop the mileage do much (e.g. do easy or aerobic bike and run sessions), race Saturday (assuming its a Saturday race), do recovery sessions / days in the 3 days after and start back proper training the following Wednesday and taper down the final two weeks before Challenge Galway.


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