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Club 70.3 Race Early 2017 – ***Ironman 70.3 BARCELONA***

Home Forums Races Club 70.3 Race Early 2017 – ***Ironman 70.3 BARCELONA***

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    After a highly contested survey response, the early club race for next year was to be St. Pölten 70.3 on the 21st May 2017. HOWEVER – due to travel constraints (only 1 direct flight daily) and the accommodation needing to be booked through Nirvana, making it quiet expensive, the club 70.3 race for early 2017 has been changed to IM 70.3 Barcelona on the same date.

    Aidan and I are currently trying to get further information with regards to accommodation, travel, etc. so if you plan on racing, please complete the spreadsheet so that we have an idea on numbers.

    Barcelona Athletes

    Please find a link to the page below

    IM 70.3 Barcelona

    Aidan & Megan

    • This topic was modified 8 years, 4 months ago by Megan.
    • This topic was modified 8 years, 4 months ago by Megan.

    I’m a maybe. Can’t access sheet on my phone. Its around 250€ to enter before August 1st I think. Where would we fly to? Are Ship my Tri doing it?

    Sent from my MotoG3 using Tapatalk


    Darragh fly in to Vienna and it’s a 30 min train journey. And yes SMTB cover the race.


    Thanks Aidan

    Sent from my MotoG3 using Tapatalk


    Myself and Camilla are interested in Austria,With Camilla not competing,


    Just to update everyone:

    – Entries are now open for St. Polten – apparently it doesn’t sell out that quickly and we’ll keep you all posted if prices are changing but just wanted to make you all aware in case you wanted to secure your entry now
    – Aidan and I are still looking at travel/ bike transport/ accom options so it would be good to have numbers in terms of who’s thinking of joining so that we have a stronger negotiating position….appreciate we are only half way through this season and there’s still Dublin 70.3 and various Ironman Races to get through so it may not be top of your thought process right now, but any indication will help!

    Will let you know as and when things develop.

    Aidan & Megan


    A couple of people have said that they cannot access the Google spreadsheet so if you are having trouble adding your name can you post your expression of interest on this thread and we will add your detail. Or PM one of us.
    Megan & Aidan


    Bump – some great results in Dublin at the weekend where Piranha owned the race and gave the best support on the course. We are now trying to gauge the numbers for IM 70.3 St Polten on the 21st of May 2017. If you are interested can you add your name to the sreadsheet above?
    Megan & Aidan

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 6 months ago by Aidan.

    It’s been a great year for the club with success on all fronts. And there are a couple of people still to complete their season by smashing Ironman Mallorca and Ironman Barcelona.

    As Brown Thomas have opened their Christmas shop it is important we start to think about next season if we are going to travel to an event overseas.

    There was an earlier vote and St Polten was chosen as the race we would target in 2017. However there are a couple of issues that have arisen for that race. Accommodation in the town is very limited and what accommodation there is can only be booked through Ironman’s travel partner Nirvana as part of a package. As a result it is proving to be quite expensive. There is not a lot of scope for flights and they are also a bit on the pricey side when compared to the alternatives. And the town shuts down from about 10pm, and whilst that is ideal on the days leading up to the race Piranhas party later than that!!

    Mallorca was a close second but that race has now sold out.

    Following a conversation we had with some of the more experienced club members we are proposing a double assault on the Ironman 70.3 circuit in 2017.

    1. Ironman 70.3 Barcelona 21st May.
    There are plenty of flight options (current prices are €99 return) and accommodation should be easy to get. It is also a race covered by Ship my Tri Bike and is early in the season to be a springboard for another assault on the National Series and to give focus for the domestic season.

    2. Ironman & Ironman 70.3 Weymouth 17th September.
    This is an opportunity to race either distance in the same location – providing you stay on the bike 🙁 Again there are plenty of flight options and they are usually very reasonable (current prices are €58 return). However accommodation in Weymouth itself is limited (but available) and would need to be booked well in advance. At the moment it is not on the SMTB race schedule so we would need to have an early indicator of interest to explore the options for getting bikes to the UK. And it is late in the season for a night out afterwards!!

    So don’t be shy and let us know if these are options that we should explore or alternatively if you think if they are non-runners. Would you be interested in one or both of these races?

    If you would prefer not to give your feedback on the forum please PM us – but please let us know so we can research further.

    Megan & Aidan


    Hi Aidan / Megan

    A new race just announced and it is 20 mins from Lisbon and a great place


    Yes Myles just seen that…… Looks good.


    Hi lads

    Hard luck on Austria and Mallorca – the trouble with the popular races is that they do sell out fast.

    For me – would not be keen on either Barca (will have done the full 3 years in a row) or Weymouth (for me preference is to tie a big race into a nice sunny holiday – Weymouth would not be exotic enough for me)

    I do like the option from Myles – Sunny and a good time of year!



    Would there be interest in Ironman 70.3 Portugal next September? It was announced shortly after the post above form the 21st of September.
    Asking for a friend!!!


    Potentially yes to 70.3 Portugal but need to figure out what IM I will be doing next year to see where it would fit in.

    John Davie

    I’d be up for Portugal next year. There are no jellyfish there right?

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