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Barcelona 70.3 – Details Confirmed

Home Forums Races Barcelona 70.3 – Details Confirmed

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  • #12073

    Hi All

    After a delightful coffee date, Aidan and I have finalised details for the 2017 Club 70.3 Race in Calella, Barcelona.

    Please see the recommendations below:

    Dates: Thursday 18th – Tuesday 23rd May 2017
    Race Day: Sunday 21st May 2017

    Recommended Flights: Ryanair
    – Outbound: Thursday 18th May @ 17:10 to land in Barcelona @ 20:40
    – Return: Tuesday 23rd May @ 21:15 to land in Dublin @ 23:00
    – Obviously it’s for everyone to book their own flights on days and at times which suit

    Transfers to and from Calella
    – Calella is about an hour outside of Barcelona which means transfers between the airport and the town need to be organised.
    – Depending on who books what flights, we can look to arrange group transfers – BUT WE NEED TO KNOW DETAILS OF THIS SO WE CAN ORGANISE!
    – As a rough estimate a taxi from the airport to Calella is around €120 (€30 for 4 people)
    – Alternatively there is a train network from the airport to Barcelona and from Barcelona to Calella – however if you are arriving late, the train may not be an option

    Recommended Accommodation:
    – Calella is small so anywhere you stay will probably work out – but this also means hotels sell out quickly on a busy weekend, so maybe best to be getting onto this sooner rather than later
    – If you are looking for a hotel near the expo, Hotel Internacional is what’s been recommended
    – If you are looking for apartment type living then Aparthotel Safari is allegedly where it’s at
    – Naturally booking dates need to tie in with your flight dates

    Bike Transfer
    – Options include taking your bike with you on the plane – logistics will need to be factored in when looking at transfers from the Airport to Calella and back
    – ShipMyTriBike have committed to giving us discounts, depending on the number of people using them – BUT WE NEED TO KNOW DETAILS OF THIS SO WE CAN ORGANISE!

    After Race Party
    – The plan is for a sophisticated and elegant dinner after the race on the Sunday (after a shower and snooze obvs)…but we all know how sophisticated and elegant dinners turn out in Piranha World so likely we’ll have a feed and then head out for some lunatic dancing and crazy craic, accompanied by a moderate consumption of alcoholic beverages (we are athletes after all). Venue to be determined.

    Piranha’s Registered
    – Megan Smith
    – Anne O’Leary
    – Ross Condy
    – Neil Murphy
    – Darragh Moore
    – Tom Ennis
    – Ivan Eustace
    – Stephen Eustace
    – John Kearney
    – Dara Lawlor
    – Aidan Hughes
    – Barry McIntyre
    – John Wallnutt
    – Nick Walsh
    – John Lyons

    – Victorious Secrets (1 x Mrs Wallnutt and 2 x Mrs Eustaces)

    1) Register
    2) Update the spreadsheet with:
    – Your name
    – Your mobile (yes, the joy of yet another What’s App group)
    – Are you using SMTB?
    – Do you need transfer to/ from the airport? And if so – what’s your flight details?

    Any questions just shout!

    Aidan (087 629 5570) and Megan (083 480 0162)

    • This topic was modified 8 years, 1 month ago by Megan.

    Can I ask if you can update the spreadsheet with details so we can organise SMTB and see about transport to Calella. If you put your name down as possible can you confirm if you are going. We would like to wrap this up asap.
    Megan & Aidan

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