Thanks to everybody that participated in the survey.
Based on the results, the following 4 spinning classes has been organised.
Class: Andy Kenny Spinning
Where: Pearse St, D2
Day of Week: Wednesday
Time: 19.30
Duration: 1 hr 30 mins
Start Date: 18th Nov 2015
End Date: 9th Dec 2015
Number of Classes: 4
Discounted Cost: 25 euro.
Payment: All upfront before Wed. To Fergal. See below.
Kind regards,
Note 1: I will accept cash on Sat morning swimming or at “Sat Social” after.
Send me a message on WhatsApp/Viber and I’ll send you my account details (0876687550).
I need the transfer before Wed.
Note 2: Non-discounted priced is 48 euro (4 * 12 euro) so that approx 50% discounted rate for Piranhas!
Note 3: If you can’t go to all 4 classes then I expect Andy won’t have a problem with you swapping your place for a class.
You have to run this by Andy or I can ask him.
But I am only collecting 25 euro.