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2018 NS – LOUGH CUTRA (Mixed Relay, Standard and Half Ironman) – 26/27-MAY

Home Forums Races 2018 NS – LOUGH CUTRA (Mixed Relay, Standard and Half Ironman) – 26/27-MAY

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    Hi all,

    With the National Series (NS) now in full swing, let’s face the music and dance!

    Apologies for the slow production of this report, but:
    a) I was away in Italy until Monday night and yesterday flew out to Vigo (Spain), while you all enjoy the heat wave in Ireland!
    b) The official results for the Standard race kept evolving on a daily basis in our favour, with our spearhead Killian climbing positions while sitting comfortably on his sofa.
    Much like what will happen with Giro d’Italia GC, once Froome tumbles down to oblivion after having lost count of his ventolin puffs 9 months ago! (IMO he should be sentenced to a elementary maths refresher crash course…)

    Thanks to Killian for sending detailed info on the race, also Muiriosa and to a small extent John W. (currently laser focused on Try Athy preparations), and some inspired insights and comments from the Banter group.

    If we hadn’t enough already with one Brownlee, the not less competitive sibling Johnny B. has surfaced to provide stick to our own Ivan Eustace!!

    This report covers 3 races between Saturday and Sunday:
    Mixed Relay (4x[200m swim, 5km cycle draft legal, 1.5km run], 2 male and 2 female) on Saturday
    Standard (1.5k swim, 40km cycle, 10km run), and
    Gauntlet Half Ironman (1.9 km swim, 90 km cycle, 21.1 km run) on Sunday

    , plus mention that a few other Piranhas are taking over the country:
    Tour of Connemara (140 km cycle)
    Ring of Beara (110 and 140km options)
    And a Sally Gap primer for new recruits Siobhan & Simon, who celebrated in style with a Jolly Walnut break.

    – Timing company results (you can also check for photos and videos there): – Mixed Relay – Standard Distance – The Gauntlet half Ironman

    – Video of the finish line for the Standard distance: , you can search for your name, then click and the video on top will show your finishing effort.

    – Pictures taken by club members: – Club Instagram – Banter group – Piranha Facebook

    – TI race report: – Standard race – Mixed relay


    Time gaps are shown between adjacent positions among Piranha members/teams (and for the first Piranha, the gap is to the fastest in the race), to stimulate competition!

    On Saturday, 32 teams of 4 members participated, 3 teams from Piranha.
    Format: 200m swim, 5km cycle draft legal, 1.5km run each team member.

    Total: 32 teams (2 DNFs), 3 Piranha (no DNFs).

    Overall race winners: Belpark (01:33:01)

    Piranha teams
    7th +7:16 “AC/DC”: Becky Woods, John Wallnutt, Brianne Mulvihill & Killian Nolan.
    11th +3:28 “Westlife”: Roisin Packenham, Adam Goslin, Niamh Corry & Richie Dooley
    12th +4:08 “One Direction”: Siobhan Foreman, Rob Frewan, Ciara Kilroy & Diarmuid Meldon

    Team “AC/DC” got home on top despite John Wallnutt forgetting how to mount his bike and (temporarily) loosing one of his cleats. He’s been away from triathlon for too long it seems!

    JW himself: “it was my first race back from injury after 16 months and, of course, AC/DC won the relay battle. Westlife are pussies”

    There was also great support from other Piranhas including Eimear McHugh, Kev Beades and Barry Mc.

    Fastest splits:
    Swim – Niamh Corry 2:58, Richie Dooley +0:04, Adam Goslin +0:31
    T1 – John Wallnut 0:41, Rob Frewan +0:07, Ciara Kilroy +0:03
    Bike – Killian Nolan 09:42, Diarmuid Meldon +0:44, Richie Dooley +0:13
    T2 – Adam Goslin 0:38, Diarmuid Meldon +0:04, Richie Dooley +0:01
    Run – Killian Nolan 06:19, Diarmuid Meldon +0:23, Richie Dooley +0:43

    Format: 1.9km swim, 90km cycle, 21.1km run.

    8am Sunday brought the Gauntlet half Iron distance which Claire Gorman and Nikki Hickey Crowe were participating in.

    Total 170 (160 finished, 10 DNF)
    Piranha 2 (1 finished, 1 DNF)

    Overall race winners:
    Aichlinn O’Reilly (4:18:23)
    Aine Donegan (4:56:57)

    Nikki Hickey-Crowe, with a time of 5:28:43, finished in a hugely impressive 3rd female position and bodes well for her upcoming full distance IM event in Austria.

    Claire Gorman, with a 34:51 swim, was not only 1st female out of the water, but also 6th swimmer overall!
    She was also third off the bike (*), but due to knee injury she did not do the run section.

    (*) “off the bike” in more than one sense: first she had to borrow a helmet, and then at the dismount decided to test it and threw herself spectacularly into a tumble, head first over the handlebars!

    9am Sunday saw the Olympic distance and National Series race kick off, with 17 of our teammates taking part – many who were doing their first ever triathlon (possibly more, perhaps other newbies currently not listed under Piranha).

    Format: 1.5k swim, 40km cycle, 10km run

    Swim course in the lake was warm and calm water. Bike was rolling with some pretty poor surface in sections. Run course was not nice, it consisted of a hilly 2 x laps with a mix of muddy tracks, gravel trails and farmers fields with very uneven ground underfoot – although it only measured 9.1km, which made up for the bike course being 43km!

    Plenty of AG placings for Piranhas in the Olympic race.

    Total 345 (326 finished, 9 DNFs)
    Piranha 17 (16 finished, 1 DNF)

    A variety of names are used for the club (Piranha TC, Piranha, Piranha Tri Club, Piranha Triathlon Club, Pirhanna, Piranha Tri), which makes data filtering entertaining (but unwanted!).

    Overall race winners:
    Sam Wade (2:05:29)
    Catherine Jameson (2:20:05)

    3 top 10 Piranha finishers!
    6. Killian Nolan 2:17:41 (+12:12)
    9. Richie Dooley +4:03
    10. Kevin Beades +1:17

    Killian shares with the MC of Lough Cutra. The MC was saying Killian was looking for a top 10 finish and didn’t disappoint!

    Top 6 Piranhas:
    1. Killian Nolan (+12:12 from winner)
    2. Richie Dooley +4:03
    3. Kevin Beades +1:17
    4. Alan Goslin +8:59
    5. Ian Allen +4:33
    6. John Wallnutt +0:31

    1. Anne Morrissey (+26:40 from -female- winner)
    2. Siobhan Jacob +8:25
    3. Patricia Eddie +19:40
    4. Audrey Phelan +6:16

    Top AG placements:
    Killian Nolan (2nd 30-34)
    Kevin Beades (3rd 30-34)
    Frank ODea (4th 55-59)
    Richie Dooley (5th 25-29)
    John Wallnutt (5th 50-54)

    Anne Morrissey (1st 55-59)
    Patricia Eadie (1st 60-64)
    Siobhan Jacob (6th 45-49)

    Fastest Piranha splits:
    1. Roisin Pakenham (+8:14 from fastest female)
    2. Anne Morrissey +0:14
    3. Audrey Phelan +9:56

    1. Richie Dooley (+5:00 from fastest male) 25:32
    2. Killian Nolan +1:52
    3. Kevin Beades +0:52

    T1 (male and female together)
    1. Adam Goslin (+0:11 from fastest)
    2. Richie Dooley +0:05
    3. Kevin Beades +0:06

    1. Siobhan Jacob (+7:45 from fastest female)
    2. Anne Morrissey +3:44
    3. Roisin Pakenham +7:15

    1. Killian Nolan (+4:34 from fastest male)
    2. Richie Dooley +0:24
    3. Kevin Beades +1:11

    T2 (M and F)
    1. Adam Goslin (+0:03 from fastest)
    2. Richie Dooley +0:09
    3. Ian Allen +0:02

    1. Anne Morrissey (+6:35 from fastest female)
    2. Siobhan Jacob +1:18
    3. Audrey Phelan +1:39

    1. Killian Nolan (+3:33 from fastest male)
    2. Kevin Beades +2:40
    3. Declan Connolly +0:34

    • This topic was modified 6 years, 9 months ago by Pablo.
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