Date: Monday 5th October
Location: Zoom conference call
Time: 19:30 – 21:00
- Chairperson Intro
- Membership report
- Marketing report
- Training report
- DCT update
- Social report
- New to Tri report
- Treasurer’s report
- Motions
- Proposal to update Club membership joining, cessation, resignation and refund policy
- Constitution and proposed draft can be reviewed here – > https://www.piranhatri.com/members-area/club-constitution/
- Committee elections
- Secretary
Nora Gallagher is stepping down
Claire Gorman is going for election - Treasurer
Susan Wylie is going for re-election - Training
Adele Hall is going for re-election
Adam Goslin is going for election - New to Tri
Marlon Major going for re-election - Social
Sinead Plunkett is going for re-election
Maura Ormiston is going for re-election - Marketing
Roisin Pakenham is going for re-election - Membership
Enda Marren is going for re-election - Covid 19 Officer
Hannah Gibney is going forward for re-election - Chairperson
Paul O’Donovan is stepping down
Killian Nolan is going for election
- Secretary
- Swim Captain, Bike Captain, Run Captain, Women’s lead, National Series lead and Diversity and Inclusion lead volunteer appointments
- Close and Any Other Business
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